If you have been involved in an accident because of the carelessness of a third party, a personal injury attorney can help you recover and get the compensation you deserve. Learn more with the following resources:
- The official website of the Illinois General Assembly lists the legal statute of the Animal Control Act that protects victims of dog bite injuries.
- This article from The Chicago Tribune describes a case where a woman suffered a dog bite injury from her neighbor’s pit bull when she was standing in her front yard.
- The Anti-Cruelty Society in Chicago lists the responsibilities of being a pet owner in the state of Illinois, specifically explaining the legal requirements in the event of a dog bite.
- This information from the United States Department of Labor can help you understand the difference between lost wages and workers’ compensation.
- To learn about workers’ compensation laws for when you’re injured on the job, read this information from the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission.
Have you been injured on the road, at work, or by another person’s dog? Contact the experienced personal injury team of Shea Law Group at (888) 529-4185 to learn about your rights after experiencing a serious injury.