Dog bites are serious injuries that affect millions of people around the country every year. Recovering from these injuries can be difficult, especially if the victim is trying to pay his or her own medical bills and other costs. If you were bitten by someone else’s dog, you may be able to receive compensation for your expenses. Read on to find out more.
Understanding Illinois Dog Bite Law
Illinois’ liability statutes hold dog owners to a standard of strict liability, meaning that they are always responsible for any injuries their dog inflicts, even if they did not in any way cause the injury. However, if the bite victim was provoking the dog or trespassing on private property, the owner may not be responsible for injuries. Barring these factors, dog owners in Illinois are responsible for bites inflicted by their pets.
Obtaining Compensation
In light of Illinois statutes, it is vital that victims of dog bites show that they did not provoke the dog or trespass. Victims may wish to take pictures of the scene and their injuries to illustrate what took place, as these could prove to an insurance company that they are innocent and deserve compensation. Types of compensation that may be available include:
- Medical bills. Any medical bills related to the dog bite, including future medical treatment that may be required, may be eligible for compensation from the responsible party.
- Lost wages. If the victim had to miss work to receive medical treatment, these losses can be compensated.
- Pain and suffering. Dog bites are very painful injuries, and they can have serious emotional consequences on the victim. In some cases, these costs may also be eligible for compensation.
- Disfigurement. Sadly, many dog bites can lead to severe scarring, especially on the face. Scarring or disfigurement can seriously affect a victim’s quality of life, and compensation may be available.
If you’ve been the victim of a dog bite in Chicago, call (773) 365-0040 to schedule a consultation with a dog bite attorney at Shea Law Group. Our attorneys can discuss your case with you and help you evaluate your legal options for obtaining compensation after a dog bite.
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